Tuesday, February 23, 2010

What to Put in Your Health Chest?

At one of my recent health-maintenance seminars I was asked what a family ought to have in their medicine chest. I prefer to call it a 'health chest.' The tools I keep in my health chest are pretty much what I consider necessary for an emergency survival kit as well as everyday use items.

In case of a bad bruise or injury not involving broken skin, arnica is the answer, both in topical application and internally as a homeopathic remedy. Never have I seen anything work faster or better than simple arnica. A formula that is a combination of several homeopathic remedies is called Traumeel, and is used topically and internally as well. Obviously both are separate applications; one is an ointment or gel, and the other is in tablet, pellet or liquid form when taken internally.

For burns or cuts, calendula is a gentle, soothing topical application that helps heal the injury much faster and more effectively than most commercial drugstore products. It is commonly used in natural lotions for moistening and healing the skin.

Something every household needs to learn how to make is a combination of kitchen foods that are combined in the blender. I call the formula Power Tonic. You can mix it at home and call it whatever you wish, but make it! It can help give you energy, kill the flu or a cold in record speed, open up the sinuses and help heal sinus infections, and increase circulation for the entire cardiovascular system. The recipe can be found at http://www.bastis.org/recipes.htm.

Have you ever heard of noni juice? You might have heard from a friend who tried to sell you on the multi-level-marketing noni juice filled with other less expensive juices, but there's much more to noni than that, folks! A full article filled with information can change your mind about something you might have thought was not for you -- read on at http://www.bastis.org/noni.htm. Although it's not in a medicine chest or a 'health chest,' it is always most definitely in my refrigerator. It's a must I will never be without!

Another incredibly useful and vital nutrient also used externally is coconut oil. That's right. Coconut oil. Not the hydrogenated kind that is bad for you, but the virgin, delicious and fantastically nutritious kind of coconut oil that can save your life! Not only do the humans in our home ingest this wonderful oil daily, as well as cook with it, but so do all the animals. So much information about this amazing 'stuff' that I have to refer you once again to an easy-to-read article at http://www.bastis.org/coconut.htm. Please take the time to gather the information in the article. It could be something you or your family is needing right now.

The very hottest cayenne pepper you can possibly find is something that can help you survive a heart attack if you take it while in the throes of the heart attack. One of the most synergistic herbs on the planet (and one of the hottest!), it can help thin the blood and cauterize a wound. Truly a miracle herb. More at http://www.bastis.org/cayenne.htm. I always have both the liquid form and powdered; the powdered being used on food and in case of an injury. The liquid form is preserved in raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar. Recipe at http://www.bastis.org/recipes.htm. I find it very empowering to make these things yourself and realize you are helping control your own health.

Digestion is of paramount importance, especially if you tend to eat a less than healthful diet, which can cause heartburn and indigestion. In the event of uncomfortable bloating I always have another formula on hand that we make in our own kitchen. I call my version DigestEase. You can make it in your blender and call it whatever you want. Recipe at http://www.bastis.org/recipes.htm.

One more thing in our health chest that I would never want to be without is concentrated green food. So many combinations are on the market today, including Green Vibrance, and a whole host of other producers. Way too much info to post here; please read at http://www.bastis.org/greens.htm for more information.

Those are the basics. If you have any other questions about what else might be important for a natural kit, other than the obvious items including bandaids and hydrogen peroxide, please feel free to email me at bera@singingdoctor.com and I'll be happy to answer your questions!

Oh yeah, one more thing............ a big, happy smile will go a long way toward healing any crisis.